Download wow ui

Comment by waverlyn I love this guide but no where can I see how to change my minimap button bar. Before this last patch I had a nice bar for all my minimap buttons and now I have little circles all over my minimap and I can't find any where to change this back. Any help would be appreciated. Comment by Pulentosh How do I remove the soul crystal bar from above my targets?

I find her very annoying. Comment by Veradas Ok, I am sure this is a great addon, and I have downloaded it on my laptop, but for crying out loud the text is too damn small for my 58 year old eyes; it is putting a strain on them, as I am having to squint! How do I make all the text bigger so I can actually read the damn thing? Update: I had to go to another website to find out the info I needed. After having resizing the fonts nd trying to rearrange all the boxes and buttons, I really don't like this addon.

I am going to delete it and use something else that is more user friendly. I find the current interface difficult to use. Is there a dependable method of generating a summary of the LUA errors that have occurred since the last time the UI was loaded? The summary could be a simple table with the addon module name and number of errors it has thrown, sorted by error count in descending order.

That would let a person figure out which addon or module thereof was causing the most errors, then deal with the worst offenders first. What I am looking for is the sort of debugging tool that has been very commonly used in conjunction with serious compilers and interpreters for decades; generally included with a programming language package or IDE which supports one or more programming or scripting languages since the late s, earlier where software for pre-microcomputer systems is concerned.

More elaborate, configurable versions of such debugging tools started appearing with optimizing compilers for somewhat obvious reasons. There are lots of popular software programs similar to WoW in that they allow for the creation and use of addons, that addon-level debugging tools often exist for these programs, at the LUA-code level in the case of WoW addons.

It is clearly helpful to know when the LUA errors are coming from built-in addons after a significant change to WoW has required popular 3rd-party addons read: the kind that exist for at least a few years including at least one new WoW game expansion.

Sometimes, after a major change in the game, some of the errors end up being due to things Blizzard has to fix -- or not -- which made dealing with non-Blizzard addons right after such big changes a pointless waste of time.

Unfortunately, the WoW Betas and even PTRs do not seem to give much advance warning to addon developers or players who use several addons that have demonstrated long-term popularity, much less people writing or affected by addons created especially for a new expansion. It seems that after the relaunch of WoW-SL when the initial pre-patch and launch of SL failed badly enough that it delayed the actual release of SL by a few months, that those concerned with addons might have come up with some better addon-level debugging tools than existed just prior to the release of WoW-BFA.

Is that a reasonable hope or just silly wishful thinking on my part? Optimized more of the Bag module code. Bug Fixes: Made sure the Alternative Power is only shown when it's supposed to be shown. Fixed a rare error which occurred once on some quest in Blasted Lands.

Fixed the raid marker from not circling they were stacked, oops. Fixed a Communities skin error about GetItemInfo. Fixed the level line on ToolTips in some languages. Added back Focus Raid Icon options. Changes: Removed the UI Scale popup for real. Changed the Focus Aura Bars to off by default. Changed the Max Duration to 0 in the Aura Priority list. Changed the Aura Spacing options to use max Added back some options that was eaten by an angry goblin.

Bug Fixes: Fixed Actionbar spell highlight, if you mouseover your spells in the Spellbook. Fixed Darken Inactive on Stance Bar. Fixed BG Stats tooltip not showing the details. Fixed the Color Wheel from derping at solid black. Fixed a rare error from old profiles related to the Gold Datatext and "OldMoney".

Fixed issue which prevented Datatext text being displayed on first game load in. Smoothed all animations created by the animation code. Tweaked the way the UI Scale popup shows to prevent it from happening in more cases, when it should not be shown. Updated the Chat Spam Interval to resolve some issues with it. Updated Friends and Guild Datatext. Added TutorialFrame skin. Added Visual Aura Timer from Blazeflack. Added ExtraActionBars from Blazeflack. Which means, you have now 10 Actionbars.

Added CastBar Overlay from Blazeflack. Added an option to mark the most valuable quest reward with a gold coin. Added new Tag: [faction:icon] shows a texture from your faction.

Enabled by default. Fixed an issue which would carry over Quest Icons on Nameplates to one without a quest. Fixed the Map Fading while moving option and added a fade duration setting. Fixed the incompatibility check for other addons. Fixed issue which caused the Datatexts on the minimap to be shown when the minimap was actually disabled.

Fixed issue which didn't update the enchant info when Character Info was enabled and you changed enchants while the character page was open, also Essences. Removed the Frequent Updates option, it is now on by default. Blacklisted Lethargy debuff fight or flight. Essences from the Character and Inspect Info will now display the Essence quality color instead of type color. Updated option layout for Available Tags. Thanks to Luckyone for helping us with this. Skin the new RecruitAFriend Frame.

Update options layout. For the german audience: Behebt einige Fehler im Zeit-Infotext, dass die Instanz Symbole nicht richtig angezeigt wurden. Just change your main option number to: 6 Version Added an option to Clean Boss Button in skin settings, which removes the texture.

Added an option which you allow to scale the DurabilityFrame. Added an option to let Cutaway textures follow the statusbar texture.

Bug Fixes: Fixed MiniMap icons from being in the center on load! Fixed Cutaway feature error on nameplates. Fixed not showing Quest Icons on NamePlates. For your Info: It will only work, if the Tooltip have a progress line. Fixed ClassBar frame strata from being applied even if detach from frame is disabled.

Raised the detached ClassBar to be over health by default. Corrected visibility for Stance bar. Fixed bag count color options. Fixed some skin errors. Changes: Added back the tag: 'name:abbrev'. Removed our clipping for UI Scale. Disabled by default. Added an overlay alpha option for UnitFrames portraits.

Bug Fixes: Fixed a bug where nameplate threat scale wasn't being reset on new units that no threat existed on. Fixed a Style Filter error: Attempt to compare nil with number. Fixed an error in Petition Skin. Fixed black Quest Text if Parchment Remover is enabled. Changes: Updated Friends DataText to see the difference between retail and classic. Various Skin updates related for 8. Changed the Battle. Just click on your Battle. Fixed bug where nameplate threat scale wasn't being reset on new units that no threat existed on.

Fixed hopefully, take two the issue which caused the nameplate tags to sometimes be incorrect. Fixed a skin error on the Petition Frame which hides a button.

Fixed black Objective Text, if Parchment Remover is enabled. Changes: None Version If enabled the filter will only trigger when you are inside one of the specified maps or instances. Style Filters: Ability to trigger an aura with at least X number of stacks. Added an option to color the border of equipped items on ActionBars.

Fixed issue which caused the rune backdrop on nameplates to not hide when in nameonly mode. Fixed issue which caused the Raid Debuff Indicator icon not being cropped properly. Fixed issue which caused the options to open with the incorrect size. Fixed issue on paladins that faded the unitframe by range because the judgement spell. Fixed the issue that sometimes caused unitframe absorb bars to appear for a second during initial login along the screen they are now clipped like Cutaway.

Fixed a bug which broke exporting profiles in plugin format. Fixed a bug in the Plugin library which prevented some plugins from versions being checked correctly. Changes: Tweaked and updated some of the Cutaway lib again it now uses clipped textures, so it wont overflow.

Fixed General Dock Manager skin not applying correctly. Fixed a couple skin issues which would show blizzard borders on some frames. Moved the Class Color Override setting for unitframes to the health tab. Changed a bit the style of the Communities Frame Buttons. Updated our LibAnim by Hydra. Bug Fixes: Tooltip: Fixed an issue which would show the wrong faction for player when battling as a mercenary. Bag Bar: Fixed scaling and backdrop weirdness. Blizzard Bags Skin: Show and skinned the bag icons.

Bag Bar: Lowered the min button spacing to Make sure we only attempt to skin addons with RegisterSkin, which are finished loading. Rewrote the Cutaway bars to provide a cleaner implementation that works better with various nameplate and unitframe settings. Added Cutaway Health and Power when appropriate to all of the unitframes. It is disabled by default. Bug Fixes: Fixed Essences on Hearth of Azeroth showing incorrectly on the character page similar to gems.

Fixed Item Level showing incorrectly on the character page when in a gear scaled instance. Fixed issue which caused the 'Smaller World Map' to not be displayed correctly on initial login. Fixed the displaying of incorrect auras on Nameplates when StyleFilter "Name Only" ended returning to normal nameplate. Fixed Battleground map position saving.

Changes: Module initialization and skin registration is now handled by xpcall providing better debug stacks for us to investigate and fix problems. As such, directly using :Initialize to initialize modules is no longer deprecated, and S:RegisterSkin has returned as the preferred method for registering a skin. Thanks AcidWeb Misc. Added Title element to the Player Nameplate.

Don't allow certain DataTexts not be toggled in combat because of Blizzard restriction. Added debuffs in Eternal Palace. Skinned a missing button on the new PVPMatch skin. Known Issues: Adjusting the classbar position on nameplates while targeting something throws an error related to the new nameplate restriction but works after retargeting.

Moving the General chat tab causes an error, please avoid trying to move it while we continue to investigate a fix, hopefully coming in Bug Fixes: Attempted fix for two Toolkit errors cause by nameplate and bankframe code and AceConfigDialog restricted regions error. Added option to change the Nameplate position: 'Nameplate at Base'. Probably some "new" Skins are missing. Fixed an issue with DK runes after vehicle exit. Changes: Added skin support for Objective Tracker timer bars.

Prevented right-aligned Ace3 dropdowns and SharedMedia dropdowns cutting off when the text is wider than the box. Updated existing skins with 8. New Additions: Added options to invert the CastBar, AuraBars, and Power colors on UnitFrames status bars when in transparent mode; as well as added custom backdrop options for these status bars. Added custom backdrop for ClassBars on UnitFrames.

Added nameplate friendly NPC option "always show" this is used to toggle npc nameplates using blizzards setting; so that they can go into blizzard name-only mode. Added new Tags, which allows transliteration. For more tags, visit our Custom Tag Guide on our forum.

Added Gale Slash to RaidDebuffs. Fixed the portrait and health backdrop bleeding on UnitFrames health when they fade on range, specifically for BuG.

Fixed error: StyleFilter attempt to index locale 'auras' a nil value. Fixed error: StyleFilter attempt to index field 'cooldowns' a nil value. Fixed error: Nameplates attempt to access forbidden object from code tainted by an AddOn. Fixed bind mode for extra action button. Fixed skin for invite role check boxes. Fixed Nameplates in stacking mode on initial login.

Changes: Added an option to allow the portrait on UnitFrames to truly overlay the health, including the backdrop. Reworked some of the general Nameplate config settings so it's hopefully more clear and easy to use. Removed the Nameplate Name Visibility settings because this just caused some confusion. Disabled Boss Style Filter again by default. Various minor performance improvements. Cutaway health on Nameplates is back!

Added the ability to swap language in the configuration window to the language of your choice. Added "Tank, Damage, Healer" sort option to party and raid frames. Thanks wing5wong Added Debuff Highlight mode options. The other two have had their names updated, so if you changed settings of them Boss or Explosives , you can go ahead and delete them yourself now.

Added option to desaturate grey items in bags. Bug Fixes: Fixed Nameplate Stagger texture. Fixed Selection Player Color sometimes being incorrect. Fixed Nameplate Alternative Power Swap. Fixed Fader from properly fading the Pet Frame out when combat ends. Fixed "button. Fixed a dropdown text position if the Communities Frame is minimized. Fixed Twitter icon not appearing for items in chat.

Fixed Stagger visibility toggling. Fixed some Nameplate CVar issues. Changes: Unitframe Status Bars will now sync their textures onto the background space when not using transparent. Nameplate Class Bar will also sync it's texture to the background. Tweaked the Tooltips in the Config so it will display the hard limits min, max, decimal step and only display a tooltip when it has other information than just name.

Fixed some Ace3 skin weirdness. Cleaned up some of the Animation code. Nameplate width is now bound to it's clickable width. Add shadow instead flash texture for StaticPopup buttons Thanks Bunny67 Fixed an issue and garbage leak with the plugin version checker.

Fixed DataText header text using the Tooltip Header size when it was not supposed too. Recoded some of the charge cooldown stuff again! This should fix Blade Flurry. Changes: Update GMChat skin. Disabled Actionbar Charge Cooldown Text by default. Fixed Actionbar Masque enabled error "attempt to index field 'pushed' a nil value ". Fixed charge cooldown setting not applying correctly. Thanks LS-! Bug Fixes: [Nameplate] Fixed an issue which caused the Targeted and Player Classbar options to not take effect correctly.

Fixed an issue which prevented border and backdrop color from being updated correctly in some cases. Fixed spam errors when trying to change Talents when you have non selected yet. Fixed an issue whiched caused incompatiblity with our config and ColorPickerPlus. Fixed an error in init. Fixed an issue with the Quest Skin which caused the Quest Icon beside the text to sometimes not be shown.

Fixed a tiny visual glitch with the DropDown in the Communities frame. Fixed an issue which would cause an error if you had the Login messaged enable while the Chat module was disabled. Fixed an issue which kept healers stored when out of a Battleground. Fixed Bag and Bank search from not being cleared consistently. Updated Module Copy to handle some new cases. Updated Quest Greeting Frame skin.

Optimized the Color Picker code for better preformance, also it will accept three digit hex values in the hex box but you must you press enter. Skinned the New Toy Alert.

Skinned the Communities Notification Buttons. Removed the 'Forcing MaxGroups to' message. Added smoothing option to the Alternative Power bar.

Blizzard corrected the issue with CVars not saving correctly. Adjusted all the Power and Classbar backdrop colors to be a little more vivid. Added dispellable to boss buff filters by default. Fixed an issue which made backdrops always appear. Fixed another case when C-Stack errors could occur from the Toolkit. Fixed an issue which caused clicking problems in the middle of the screen.

Fixed the non-Target Nameplate transparency option. Thanks AcidWeb for helping! Changes: Allowed the Config to once again leave the screen. Fixed the C-Stack error for real. Fixed issue which caused the chat panel backdrops color to change when updating the normal backdrop color setting.

Fixed an issue which caused a hidden frame in the middle of the screen to hijack clicks. Bug Fixes: Fixed the textures on the Stance bar. Fixed Masque support for Pet bar and Stance bar. Fixed the Class Media Value Color from not using the class color on different classes as it should!

Fixed Style Filter for Health Color changing to black when the filter ends. Fixed issue which caused the Script Profile Popup to be shown twice. Fixed TargetIndicator glow change the color correctly after switching targets. Fixed issue which caused the Action bar buttons to not set the "checked" state.

Fixed an issue which caused the Blizzard Castbar to sometimes not be shown when the UnitFrame module was disabled and disable Blizzard Player Frame was unchecked. Fixed an issue which caused the UI to hide like Alt-Z when opening the Bank frame using the non-thin border theme. Changes: Prevented the Update Popup from being shown while in combat. Fixed issue on pet bar which may have caused the "auto cast" markers to show in the wrong pet spells.

Fixed error in the config caused from the Nameplate Threat. Fixed visual issue where the voice channel icon would show on the chat panel even though it was hidden causing it to appear out of place. Fixed Blizzard Castbar being disabled when Unitframe module was disabled.

Altered the way the CD module was handling the text on Nameplates, so that the text will always be shown, regardless of it's icon size. Changes: Allowed Test Nameplate to be movable via drag.

New Additions: NamePlates were rewritten from scratch. They now utilize the oUF framework like our UnitFrames. Keep in mind that parts of the new nameplates are still being worked on. Now its more intuitive to find it. It is a checkbox on the popup itself. Bug Fixes: Fixed visibility of raid frames in the installer for the healer layout. Changes: Added warning popup with information about nameplates getting reset with patch 8.

Added hard cap on max value for general font size setting. Added support for checkboxes on our static popups. Reverted some of the recent UI scale changes in an attempt to make it work correctly for more people. A few skin tweaks. Changes: Changed UIScale information popup so it will continue to pop up until an action has been taken. This is to make sure the user sees the info in case an error prevented the popup the first time. Bug Fixes: Fixed an error in the archeology skin.

Fixed incompatibility issue s with Kaliel's Tracker due to a moved reference to E. New Additions: Added new scale options. Added optional mount name for units on tooltips.

Added a new option to display Inspect Info on the Inspect and Character frames. Added option to toggle Objective Tracker when boss or arena frames are shown. Bug Fixes: Corrected more Pixel Perfect issues! Workaround by foxlit. Changes: Various Skin updates for performance and prettyness.

Modified the bag item level code; items might actually show the correct item level now. Thanks AcidWeb and Ls- for helping us with this!

Fixed an error caused by incorrect file loading order. Added option to use the Blizzard cleanup method instead of the ElvUI sorting. Added a way to assign types of items to certain bags by right-clicking the bag icon in ElvUI.

Added a count of remaining available characters to the chat editbox. Added the source text for mounts in the tooltip. Added Blizzards way to highlight scrappable items if the Scrapping Machine Frame is open. Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue which plays the bag sounds if you open the Game Menu. Added terrible workaround for the broken events that cause health updates to break down. Updated gold datatext. Added an indicator for the current character and characters are now in class color. Consumable items that disappear when logged out are now sorted last to avoid gaps in the ElvUI bags.

You can search for keystones or ignore them from sorting with the term "keystone". Moved the options for the Talking Head to the skin section. Added new Currencies to our Currencies Datatext. Added NamePlate classbar scale option. Added color options for UnitFrame Power Predictions. Bug Fixes: Fixed a possible nil error on our NamePlate auras. Fixed an issue in Bags skin preventing the "highlight" visual from showing when searching for items.

Fixed an issue which could result in Quest Icon not showing up on nameplates even if it was enabled. Fixed an issue that we accidentally use the general texture for the UnitFrame backdrop instead of the UnitFrame texture. Fixed an issue which caused invisible GroupLootContainer frame to intercept mouse clicks. NOTE: Mostly fixed but config is still strange. Fixed minor positioning issue with role indicator on unitframes. Fixed issue with ClassBar on NamePlates since 8. Fixed issue with NamePlates glow beeing pixelated.

Fixed issues in bag searching. Fixed an issue that mostly affected actionbars, where elements would be misplaced after a profile change. Updated oUF tags with recent changes. Hid the Recipient Portrait on the TradeFrame. ElvUI now staggers the updates that happen when a profile is changed. This should have minimal effect on existing plugins. Added option in our media section to remove the cropping from icons.

Mostly used for Custom Texture Packs. Added option in our media section to select the 'Font Outline'. Changes: Updated LibItemSearch to latest version. Updated the Ace3 ElvUI config checkbox skin to a permanent color. Some Code improvements. Various Skin tweaks. Added Debuff Highlighting on our Focus Frame.

Added a dropdown menu to the Garrison Minimap Button. Added option to scale the Vehicle display. Hunters Rejoice!

Works only in the Open World. Added a skin option to remove the Parchment from some skins. Fixed Raidmarker spacing. Fixed error with UnitFrame Tags when enter Arena. Changes: Updated CCDebuffs list. Updated Frenzy buff Id for pets. Updated the macro text on the ActionBars to use the ActionBar font. Optimized Bag Code in various areas.

This should mainly fix the lag reported when opening your bags. Removed ArtifactBar from the DataBars. Reworked vendor greys code to resolve issues with the previous versions.

Credits AddOnSkins. Time datatext will now use the 24 hour clock by default in non-US regions. Add width override for nameplate auras. Fixed issue with "out of range" display on UnitFrames on the Mother encounter in Uldir Added dedicated backdrop color option to chat panels. Added backdrop color option to Chat Panels. Added Seafarer's Dubloon to the Currency Datatext. Added Strata option for the Bags. Added a temp mover for the Scrapping Machine Frame. Fixed the AltPowerBar enable toggle not requiring a reload.

Fixed Blizzard Forbidden Nameplates not spawning in the world when Nameplate module was enabled. Fixed issue with chat frames and data panels disappearing Fixed issue which prevented debuff highlight from working for shadow priests and diseases. Fixed channel ticks for Penance with talent 'Castigation' Misc. Added Cutaway Health to nameplates part of Added Alternative Power Bar. Bug Fixes: Fixed a texture issue on the Talent skin Fixed bags from being shown over the WorldMapFrame Fixed an issue which prevented the frame glow being shown on a UnitFrame with the Frame Orientation set to right Fixed skin issue with Mission Talent Frame.

Fixed issue which prevented clicking in the top-right of screen where Minimap is by default when the Minimap is not actually there. Fixed Stagger class bar auto-hide Thanks to Jimmy Pruitt. Changes: Updated spell id for Earth Shield Updated SpellHighlightTexture in the Spellbook Updated WarboardUI skin. Updated Communities skin.

Open PVP frame when you click on the Honor bar. Updated the Spec Switch Datatext. Added a toggle in General for Voice Overlay. Allowed Special Aura filters to be localized. Skin Ace3 Keybinding Widget Thanks sezz. Added support for mages in Debuff Highlight, they can once again remove curses. Updated code which shows item level in tooltip Thanks AcidWeb. Aura Special Filters can now be localized. Skin the QuickJoinToastButton.

Updated Chat Emojis. Thanks to Rubgrsch and siweia! Fixed bags not properly showing items when searched. Fixed an issue that sometimes the chat scrollBars where not hidden properly. Changes: Re-enable the old Guild skin back. Bug Fixes: Reworked the Microbar mouseover handler. Updated CommunitiesUI skin. Added support for chat filters for community channels displayed in the real chat window.

Fixed error when pressing 'Enter' to start typing in the chat Fixed a texture issue in the Quest Log skin. Bartender is a full ActionBar replacement mod. It provides you with all the features needed to fully customization most aspects of your action and rel…. What this mod does is increases the amount of quests you can see in your log without scrolling to a maximum of 20 items.

Its more than three times the…. Big Wigs is a boss encounter add-on. It consists of many individual encounter scripts, or boss modules; mini add-ons that are designed to trigger aler…. Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds out….

Often one of the most popular ch…. Displays timers and warnings of raid bosses spells and abilities. Features: Boss mods for all raid bosses Colored raid warnings players will be color….

Decursive is a long standing addon which assists healers in removing all those nasty spells mobs put on other players.


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