Cannot find class javax microedition io file fileconnection

Once, I tried importing the project again after clearing the language server workspace, the errors disappared. Can you try running this to see if it solves the issue for you? These are the two errors I am seeing. In addition, I also continually get the untrusted dialog popping up as well. I should also add, that this project worked for years on older versions of the extension. Does the problem go away if you run. It completely solved the errors for me. I have tried the demo project posted above and I have the exact problem reported here:.

Please, could you indicate me a workaround? I am stuck in a project I could not debug for this issue!!! Can you retry the project with the latest release, v1. The errors disappear for me every time I update to the newer release. Skip to content. Star 1. New issue.

Jump to bottom. Labels bug Gradle. Copy link. Operating System: Ubuntu Jump to bottom. Caused by: java. FileNotFoundException: class path resource [schema.

Labels for: stackoverflow. Copy link. Hello, In my project I'm using file as Resource. SpringApplication : Application startup failed org. BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [graphql.

TypeDefinitionRegistry]: Factory method 'registry' threw exception; nested exception is java. TypeDefinitionRegistry]: Factory method ' registry ' threw exception ; nested exception is java.

By the way, I am also using spring boot. I appreciate any help. This comment was marked as off-topic. Sign in to view. The BlackBerry Java platform is based on 1. Obviously, if you included the source in your project, and built it using the BlackBerry JDE tools, then it would be fine with the obvious exception of the missing classes you're asking about. I know Paul is a member here, wonder when he'll chime in? Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Usual java.

Nate Rahul Rahul File — user File doesn't work on BB. I'm not sure what that jar link is, but if you view the contents list, you'll see that it only has net. File , which is the RIM File class, not the java. File class. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook.

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