Fundamentals of Business, Second Edition. Fundamentals-of-Business-2e screen reader friendly. Date Author Skripak, Stephen J. Metadata Show full item record. Abstract Fundamentals of Business , Second Edition is an page open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, and personal finances.
NOTE: A new version of this book was released in If you are an instructor seeking supplementary resources for teaching, please join the listserv for this book. A testbank is now available by request for this book. The testbank is available to any instructor who has adopted Fundamentals of Business in their course.
I also like how the authors chose to create hyperlinks to the other places in the book that used these items. This allows me, as the instructor, to reorder the chapters in a way that fits with the class.
In some courses, not all chapters will be needed. I could use some chapters for a graduate course in methods along with another book. Then, I could use the same book in its entirety for the undergraduate course. Sometimes, I have students in a more advanced course who took Methods at a different university or not at all. I like that this book is free and modular.
I can refer these students to this book for review before a qualifying exam or before an important lesson that relies on pre-existing methods knowledge. I liked the order of the chapters. This is how i prefer to teach methods with the experiment chapters before the qualitative chapters.
However, other instructors may like the opposite. The modularity of this book allows either approach. I also like that the book has hyperlinks between the chapters. Often, students will need to review reliability and validity when they get to quasi experimental designs several chapters ahead. They will have forgotten this information. The hyperlinks make it easy to go back and review. The short sections also create an easiness that encourages exploration. Within the chapters, I like how the authors begin with a description of a study and then use that description to illustrate the points throughout the entire chapter.
The descriptions are brief and interesting. Then, there is the APA citation at the bottom of the page. It is easy to look up the article this way. Other textbooks put all of the references at the back of the book.
It is much more effortful to find an interesting article when the references are at the back. By the time that you have found it, you forget what you just read. I liked that the book was available in a variety of formats. I downloaded the pdf on my smart phone and found it fairly easy to read. Although I could not set bookmarks and that was frustrating. I also like to make comments and notes in my books.
I think with a different app, I would be able to do these things just fine. Maybe there could be a few recommendations for apps on the website and which format works best with which app. I like that students can download the book on their phone. Most of them do this anyway from the publishers website.
For the important classes in their mind , they also have the printed copy or they rent the printed copy too. With the pdf, they have the option to print it out. I found no grammar or spelling errors. There was a link that seemed to be misspelled on page 71 the link to Hanover's Rescorla Wagner page.
As an instructor who is a woman at a male dominated engineering school, sometimes the examples in psychology textbooks make me uncomfortable to discuss in class. This book's examples would not make me uncomfortable. There seems to be an equal number of men and women portrayed in the book as researchers and I don't sense a bias against any particular group. The writing is objective and sticks to the point without an agenda.
I wish that you had added a bit more about noisey data and maybe used some examples that had outliers. Ashcroft N. Gere, Barry J. Crowe, Donald F. Roberson, Barbara C.
Ehrhardt , Eugene F. Bergen, Vijay Vitta. Could you please send me the solution manual of Applied Statistical Methods and Probability for Engineers, 5th edition?
Thank you from now: You can send it to aydile Asslam u alikum I need solution of the book mention below as soon as possible. Please help me any one of group member. Arzoo Kanwal. A cohen i need this solution if some one help me.
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Not to worry. Here we are to reduce your e-solution expenses. We deal with Engineering subjects mentioned below: Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Chemical Engineering Computer Science Engineering All you need to do is while sending a request you should include e-book link or the complete problem and Book Name. You will get your solution in 2 days.