Three Point Arc. Start End Radius. Center Start End. Center Start Length. Creating Drawing Quiz. Part 3 — Basic modify commands. State true or false: It is not possible to make a linear array with copy command. State true or false: An object is selected only if the crossing window or polygon completely encloses it. In the image shown here, what is the offset distance between both the closed geometries?
To reduce the size of an object to half of its initial value using SCALE command the scale factor would be? Fillet will be applied to all Polylines of the drawing. Fillet will be applied to all objects except Polylines. Fillet will be applied to all the vertices of selected Polyline. As per the array command of AutoCAD, what is the row gap between rectangles in this array?
To break a Polyline into lines and arcs which command can be used. The command for trim tool is? As per the array command of AutoCAD, what is the column gap between rectangles in this array? Modifying and manipulating drawing. Part 4 — Drawing tools. What is the name of status bar icon encircled in red? Ortho mode. Polar tracking. Dynamic input. Object snap tracking. Which option of the status bar will activate the Tooltip as shown on the cursor?
Object snap. State True or False: You can change polar tracking angle to any angle of your choice. To fill closed area with a single color which hatch pattern will you use? Filled area can't be made with hatch command. Which function key enables object snap in AutoCAD?
Which factor of hatch command you will change to correct the spacing between hatch lines or pattern? Which object snap tool was added in AutoCAD version?
Geometric center. Apparent intersection. To toggle between different fields of dynamic input which key can be used? Drawing Tools. Part 5 — Drawing features and properties. Which option of layer properties is indicated by light bulb icon here? To change a block into normal drawing object which command can be used?
Speed - Your class can start working with Autodesk products within minutes of receiving invitations. Flexibility - Students with a single-user subscription to a product can install the product on up to 3 different computers. Ease of use - All students in your class will be able to bypass the confirmation of eligibility process and have the same, streamlined getting started experience.
By choosing this Education Single-User Subscriptions option and clicking Accept, I agree that I will only invite users under my Autodesk account who are students, faculty, or staff at my educational institution and who meet Autodesk Education eligibility requirements, including minimum age requirements, to use Autodesk products for educational purposes.
Access for your institution or district - Get licenses for up to 3, concurrent students per product. Note: Students who want to use certain products, such as Fusion or InfraWorks, will need to have an Autodesk Account and individually confirm their eligibility for free educational access to Autodesk products. House Sitter. Personal Trainer. Flight Attendant. Dog Walker. Toll Booth Attendant. Massage Therapist. You should be able to learn the basics in about a week or two.
To become reasonably proficient will probably take at least two or three substantial projects. Mastering the program can take months or years depending on how much you need to know for your particular use and how easily you catch on to it. However, Adobe Photoshop is easier to set up and administer. SketchUp is easier to use, and far less fussy than AutoCAD, however the latter offers superior rendering ability. SeniorCare2Share Care about seniors?
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