Academic english words pdf

Useful Phrases for Academic Writing. Anastasia Artemiou. A short summary of this paper. I would also say that I am convinced that I am inclined to believe that There is no doubt in my mind that One of the drawbacks of However, one of the benefits is that Changing topic As regards the causes for this, Concerning the causes for this, As for the causes, Presenting arguments One justification often given for Those who object to Another objection is that However, it should not be forgotten that From the point of view of According to Describing causes One factor which has led to The problem often stems from The situation has been exacerbated by One consequence of Proposing steps and measures As regards the most appropriate response to this situation, one suggestion would be to The first step to be taken would be to To alleviate the situation people should In addition they ought to This can only be dealt with if To overcome this problem, Were the government to Individuals can do a great deal to The burden of responsiblity lies in the hands of It is vitally important that Free Download x.

It then includes a worksheet os sentences with common noun mistakes. Countable and uncountable nouns Academic English [new ].

It includes a language review section, lots of guided practice and freer paragraph writing practice. It also includes a coherence sheet on key connections and two practice activities [webpage]. An awareness of this writing element really helps establish unity and readability in sentence structure. Academic Style 1 Academic Style 1: 20 key features to writing.

Teacher conducts feedback using visual highlighting and explaining the concepts. It follows with 10x practice exercises. Example Time: 60mins Webpage link. This lesson compares two paragraphs on CSR informal and formal , discusses the conventions of academic style and finishes with a sentence re-writing activity. Example Time: 60mins.

Webpage link. There are three worksheets comprising of a number of different activities to practice categorisation and reformulation at sentence and paragraph level. This worksheet is for t eachers or students. An introduction to nominalisation. This worksheet shows the basics of nominalising, practices changing verbs to nouns and includes three exercises from guided through to freer practice.

This is a good writing practice activity with a fair amount of challenge for all levels. Academic Vocabulary. Academic Word List AWL list contains word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts.

An introduction to the AWL using synonyms. Academic Word Formation: Sublist 1- 4. Academic Word List: Kinaesthetic Lesson cut up words. Academic Word List Lesson: Sublist This lesson includes the 10 sublists of the Academic Word List put into tables to be cut up and used as a teaching tool.

AWL Exercises x4. Academic Word List Games four-in-a-row. AWL Verbs to Nouns. Academic Word game: verbs to nouns high frequency words taken from the Academic Word List and put into grid. AWL Nouns to Adjectives.

Academic Word game: nouns to adjectives high frequency words taken from the Academic Word List and put into grid. Academic Vocabulary Lessons. Noun Phrases. Noun Phrases Worksheet 1 This lesson is a worksheet to highlight what noun phrases are and provides valuable practice. Noun Phrases Worksheet 2 This lesson is designed to help students write more concisely by using noun phrases.

It takes students through a whole range of tasks including noticing the language in context, eight guided practice tasks and five freer practice activities. Formality Vocabulary Lessons. Academic Style 1. Academic Style 2.

Academic Style 2: Paragraph analysis, comparison and discussion This lesson compares two paragraphs on CSR informal and formal , discusses the conventions of academic style and finishes with a sentence re-writing activity. Academic Style 3. Hedging Language 1. Hedging 1: Cautious l anguage exercises This worksheet is for t eachers or students.


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