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Remove From My Forums. Asked by:. Archived Forums. Sign in to vote. I want to use the LPT for a licence dongle used for an older win98 app. Now iswitched to windows 7 the card is shown so far so good but because xpmode doen't support lpt i bought vmware workstation.
But when i startup the virtual system it says: The "LPT1" device is used by another program. Ok, I think to myself, time for. Those dongles dont actually expose a LPT port, they per they just add a "usb print support" driver and have a little embedded chipset that communicates with the parallel port. That means a no go for the parallel port dongle.
So I picked up one of these instead. All signs were pointing to success here and I thought that I was on the home stretch. I had all my drivers installed so I spun up my Win98 VM and attempted to pass the parallel port through in workstation you have to actually add the parallel port before you boot it up, but you can connect it afterwards.
Scouring the internet I found tons of suggestions Until finally, I tried something really intelligent, I right clicked on the VMware Workstation executable and ran it as Administrator.
Somehow some additional files are installed if it can detect parallel port is available. Now my user is able to use the software.
If anyone needs more info, here i the article that provides some insight. I have had the same problem as a lot of people. I have tried everything suggested here and elsewhere but it does not work. And it persistently changes its settings. I have clean removed, clean installed several times with my PCI LPT port in place every time and the result is always the same: Workstation Player installs with printers disabled and fails to install VMParport.
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