The pn junction diode pdf

Original Title: PN junction. Related titles. Carousel Previous Carousel Next. Industrial Equipment Controlled With Temperature Theory and Application of Field Effect Transistors.

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Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. Sohaib Alam. A short summary of this paper. In fact semiconductor technology is present in almost every area of modern day technology and as such semiconductor theory is a very important element of electronics. A Semiconductor diode is a simple electrical device that allows the flow of current only in one direction.

So it can be said to act somewhat like a switch. In its basic form a semiconductor diode is formed by making P-N Junction which is one of the fundamental structures within semiconductor technology. It is the fundamental building block of semiconductor diodes and transistors and a number of other electronic components. It is formed by joining a P-Type intrinsic semiconductor doped with a trivalent impurity and N-Type semiconductor intrinsic semiconductor doped with a pentavalent impurity together with a special fabrication technique such that a P-N Junction is formed.

Hence it is a device with two elements, the P-Type forms anode and has an excess of holes whereas, the N-Type forms the cathode and has an excess of electrons. These terminals are brought out to make the external connections.

This means that there are no available charge carries in this region. This charge transfer of electrons and holes across the PN junction is known as diffusion.

In view of the fact that this area is depleted of charge carriers it is known as the depletion region. The semiconductor diode PN junction with no bias applied Diode as a Conductor: When a voltage is applied current will flow. The Depletion Region shrinks allowing current to flow. Therefore, a diode acts like a conductor since it allows current to pass in one direction. This is Forward Bias. The semiconductor diode PN junction with forward bias Diode as an Insulator: When the battery polarity is reversed, the Holes move away from the Depletion Region as does the Free Electrons expanding the Depletion Region thus restricting the movement of current.

It acts as an insulator since it blocks current passing in the opposite direction.


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