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Options Open in popup. No one is chatting at the moment. The Helper : How was the vacation? Jan 4, The Helper : nice. The Helper : I was posting the news while you were gone. Ghan : AWS certification? Jan 5, The Helper : AWS certifications are designed to certify the technical skills and knowledge associated with best practices for building secure and reliable cloud-based applications using AWS technology.
To earn an AWS Certification, individuals must prove their proficiency by passing an exam. Ghan : I feel like there are a lot of businesses out there who want "the cloud" without a clear understanding of what that means or any ability to describe what capabilities they want out of it.
The Helper : lots of pluses in the cloud but also drawbacks for security crazy businesses not wanting all their data out there. The Helper : I am going to add an Atari Jaguar forum. Jan 6, Well, I've tried doing both of these, as well as replacing the IDE cables, and copying the game files then installing off the harddrive and still no success.
I don't know what to do from here, does anyone else have any other ideas? Joined Aug 2, Messages 3, It is possible that a copy is corrupted. Joined Feb 7, Messages Does any of these apply to you You can also try lowering your CDRom drive speed if your cdrom tools include that option. I get this error: Error The file 'hl2. Steam will rename and update the missing files and your installation should continue normally. Great game! You'll love it!
I hope this helps Thanks Again. Joined Oct 31, Messages I am havign the same problem on installing other games not HL2 with the almost exacte errors will these solutions work for the other games? When I am installing the store copy, I get to disc four and it gives me some error about not being able to acess something like 'halflife. I have tried three times in total, once with firewall off Sophos antivirus still running and registered with steam.
Anyone have similar experiences? Reply Share this post. Error The file 'hl2. This could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package. Joined Mar 12, Messages 1, Joined Mar 12, Messages I have an idea. We must of posted the same time!!!! Cyclone Supreme [H]ardness. Joined Oct 16, Messages 5, Nope, he posted about 15 minutes before you, jackass.
Jackass :d. Steel Chicken Supreme [H]ardness. Joined Jan 29, Messages 4, Steel Chicken said:.