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The isolate form of whey protein is higher in protein content and lower in carbohydrates than whey concentrate. Many of the best protein powders are made from whey protein concentrate, making Now Sports Protein Powder an even better value.
It's also Informed Sport certified , so you don't have to worry about any damaging additives. The unflavored version has no artificial sweeteners, which means you don't have to worry about high sugar or carbohydrates. Ultimately, we appreciate how much you can buy for the price.
There have been some comments on Amazon about varying quality in different batches. Some don't mix as well, and others foam more than usual. This isn't entirely unusual in the protein powder game, but we noticed more comments on quality variability than other brands.
Still, if you're on a budget and looking for a no-fuss protein powder, we recommend Now Sports. With so many options on the market, it's hard to pick the best protein powder. When determining which option is best for you, think about your body, goals and dietary needs. Underneath it all, protein powders aim to serve the same purpose. However, additives and sugar content make some choices better than others. Ultimately no, protein powders are not the key to success.
Even though protein powders are considered safe and valuable, you do not have to use them to lose weight or build muscle. You can eat a protein-heavy diet and achieve the same results, but that's not for everyone.
If you're thinking about trying protein powders, consider these things:. The best protein powders will have protein as their first ingredient. It's even better if that's the only one. Minimal ingredients mean that you'll get the highest amount of protein and the fewest carbs and sugars.
Protein powders for women will often have extra nutrients or beneficial ingredients, like vitamins or probiotics. It won't hurt to have those extra vitamins in there; it's just not strictly necessary for your protein intake. Before buying, it's essential to thoroughly review the ingredient label to ensure whatever powder you choose meets your dietary needs. Think about what you're trying to achieve and how the ingredients will help or hurt. The best-tasting protein power is going to have sugar in it.
That doesn't mean it's bad for you; it might just not be the best choice out there. If your goal is to use protein powder to lose weight, you should be mindful of the sugar content in the powder you select. Unfortunately, the ones with the most flavor options will likely have the largest sugar and fat content. Unfortunately, the FDA doesn't regulate supplements on a large scale.
We like products that third-party companies test to ensure the advertised product is the product you get. Think of it as a quality check. The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
CNET editors pick the products and services we write about. When you buy through our links, we may get a commission. Taylor Leamey. Jump to details.