Students studying mathematics can choose from a wide variety of educational paths. They may pursue the general mathematics degree, or specialize by taking courses in statistics, actuarial studies, accounting, computer science and more. Those who seek the PhD, aiming for the peak of their profession, can leverage their skills and education in almost any career that utilizes mathematics.
They must learn how to solve real-world problems using mathematical concepts and theory, as well as how to apply their knowledge to a variety of fields, such as science and technology. Students also have the opportunity to take electives and specialize in a particular field. Coursework for online programs is provided via Blackboard or college-based proprietary software, allowing students to access information at their convenience.
However, students must have strong motivation and dedication. Online mathematics degree programs are just as rigorous as traditional campus programs. Graduates may go on to careers in education, consulting, actuarial firms, operations research or government.
The two-year associate credential is the first step toward either entering the job force or moving into a higher degree program. The first year of the associate degree typically focuses on core requirements, including English and science, as well as the basic courses needed to begin the journey through mathematics instruction. While general education classes may seem to stray from the path of a math major, they help to strengthen the communication and teamwork skills that are vital in STEM careers.
The second year of an online math degree program emphasizes classes that focus on mathematics, such as statistics, reasoning and applications. The following table includes common courses students can expect to take when pursuing an online math degree at the associate level:. Graduation requirements include general education courses, although a student may have already completed some of these core classes in an associate degree program.
The coursework also covers more in-depth mathematical concepts. Specific tracks for online math degrees vary widely by subject, school and department. The following courses are just a sampling of the core courses available for those attending graduate programs:. Those who want to reach the pinnacle of their profession may go on to earn a doctorate in mathematics.
The timeframe for completion can vary depending on opportunities for graduate teaching or research assistantships. Those who pursue a degree in the mathematics may choose to enter one of many career paths, including computer science, biomathematics, actuarial science, finance, teaching, statistics, medicine and other occupations. Students can begin with a basic mathematics degree and specialize their electives, creating an educational pathway to help them prepare for diverse careers where number crunching is valued.
Quantitative skills are in demand in almost every industry, and math graduates may find significant flexibility in the job market. Before enrolling in a program, students should check on occupational requirements and educational qualifications. Here are a few examples of mathematics-related careers that students can explore after graduating:. Explore these resources to help you make informed decisions and prepare for whatever is thrown your way. Connect with a community of peers, and find a program that will allow you to continue your education in a fast and flexible way.
Top Online Programs Explore programs of your interests with the high-quality standards and flexibility you need to take your career to the next level. See All Posts. Shape your future with an online degree Connect with a community of peers, and find a program that will allow you to continue your education in a fast and flexible way.
Harvard University Cambridge, MA. University of Idaho Moscow, ID. Odessa College Odessa, TX. Focuses on real number systems, linear equations, coordinate systems, powers and roots, algebraic operations, polynomials and factoring. Explores mathematical and statistical reasoning important for day-to-day life.
Emphasizes percentages, probability, modeling and statistical thinking, based on examples of medical, financial and environmental decision making. Studies trigonometric functions, vectors, measurement and approximate numbers, functions and graphs, linear equations, determinants, quadratics, variation and geometry.
Discusses problem-solving, number theory, Euclidean and Non-Euclidean geometry, infinity, probability, plus other topics like fractals, chaos and topology.
Focuses on measurement, sampling, summarizing and displaying data, inferential methods, qualitative research designs and methods, interpreting search results and research design, among other topics. Studies the definition of real numbers, order properties, completeness, infinite sequences, convergence, basic notions of series and convergence, functions and function limits.
Includes study of elementary functions, line integrals, power series, residues and poles, and conformal mappings. Explores the development of groups, integral domains, fields, number systems and complex numbers. Covers number theory, including divisibility, congruences, primes, perfect numbers and other problems. Linear equations and functions : 8th grade. Systems of equations : 8th grade. Geometry : 8th grade. Geometric transformations : 8th grade. Data and modeling : 8th grade.
Arithmetic This Arithmetic course is a refresher of place value and operations addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and exponents for whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers.
If you are learning the content for the first time, consider using the grade-level courses for more in-depth instruction. Intro to multiplication : Arithmetic. Intro to division : Arithmetic. Understand fractions : Arithmetic. Place value through 1,, : Arithmetic.
Add and subtract through 1,, : Arithmetic. Multiply 1- and 2-digit numbers : Arithmetic. Divide with remainders : Arithmetic. Add and subtract fraction like denominators : Arithmetic.
Multiply fractions : Arithmetic. Decimals and place value : Arithmetic. Add and subtract decimals : Arithmetic. Add and subtract fractions different denominators : Arithmetic. Multiply and divide multi-digit numbers : Arithmetic. Divide fractions : Arithmetic.
Multiply and divide decimals : Arithmetic. Exponents and powers of ten : Arithmetic. Add and subtract negative numbers : Arithmetic. Multiply and divide negative numbers : Arithmetic. Basic geometry and measurement This Basic geometry and measurement course is a refresher of length, area, perimeter, volume, angle measure, and transformations of 2D and 3D figures. Intro to area and perimeter : Basic geometry and measurement. Intro to mass and volume : Basic geometry and measurement. Measuring angles : Basic geometry and measurement.
Plane figures : Basic geometry and measurement. Units of measurement : Basic geometry and measurement. Volume : Basic geometry and measurement. Coordinate plane : Basic geometry and measurement. Decomposing to find area : Basic geometry and measurement. Circles, cylinders, cones, and spheres : Basic geometry and measurement. Angle relationships : Basic geometry and measurement. Scale : Basic geometry and measurement. Triangle side lengths : Basic geometry and measurement. Geometric transformations : Basic geometry and measurement.
Pre-algebra Learn pre-algebra—all of the basic arithmetic and geometry skills needed for algebra. Factors and multiples : Pre-algebra. Patterns : Pre-algebra. Ratios and rates : Pre-algebra. Percentages : Pre-algebra. Exponents intro and order of operations : Pre-algebra. Proportional relationships : Pre-algebra. Multi-step equations : Pre-algebra. Two-variable equations : Pre-algebra.
Functions and linear models : Pre-algebra. Systems of equations : Pre-algebra. Algebra basics Learn the basics of algebra—focused on common mathematical relationships, such as linear relationships.
Foundations : Algebra basics. Algebraic expressions : Algebra basics. Linear equations and inequalities : Algebra basics. Graphing lines and slope : Algebra basics. Systems of equations : Algebra basics. Expressions with exponents : Algebra basics. Quadratics and polynomials : Algebra basics. Equations and geometry : Algebra basics.
Algebra 1 The Algebra 1 course, often taught in the 9th grade, covers Linear equations, inequalities, functions, and graphs; Systems of equations and inequalities; Extension of the concept of a function; Exponential models; and Quadratic equations, functions, and graphs. Khan Academy's Algebra 1 course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, engaging, and Common Core aligned experience! Algebra foundations : Algebra 1. Working with units : Algebra 1.
Forms of linear equations : Algebra 1. Systems of equations : Algebra 1. Functions : Algebra 1. Sequences : Algebra 1. Irrational numbers : Algebra 1. High school geometry Learn high school geometry—transformations, congruence, similarity, trigonometry, analytic geometry, and more. Transformation properties and proofs : High school geometry. Congruence : High school geometry. Similarity : High school geometry. Analytic geometry : High school geometry.
Conic sections : High school geometry. Circles : High school geometry. Solid geometry : High school geometry. Khan Academy's Algebra 2 course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, engaging, and Common Core aligned experience! Polynomial arithmetic : Algebra 2. Complex numbers : Algebra 2. Polynomial factorization : Algebra 2.
Polynomial division : Algebra 2. Polynomial graphs : Algebra 2. Rational exponents and radicals : Algebra 2. Exponential models : Algebra 2. Logarithms : Algebra 2. Transformations of functions : Algebra 2. Equations : Algebra 2. Trigonometry : Algebra 2. Modeling : Algebra 2. Trigonometry Learn trigonometry—right triangles, the unit circle, graphs, identities, and more.
Trigonometric functions : Trigonometry. Trigonometric equations and identities : Trigonometry. Statistics and probability Learn statistics and probability—everything you'd want to know about descriptive and inferential statistics. Analyzing categorical data : Statistics and probability. Displaying and comparing quantitative data : Statistics and probability.
Summarizing quantitative data : Statistics and probability. Modeling data distributions : Statistics and probability. Exploring bivariate numerical data : Statistics and probability. Study design : Statistics and probability. Probability : Statistics and probability. Counting, permutations, and combinations : Statistics and probability. Random variables : Statistics and probability. Sampling distributions : Statistics and probability. Confidence intervals : Statistics and probability.
Significance tests hypothesis testing : Statistics and probability. Two-sample inference for the difference between groups : Statistics and probability. Inference for categorical data chi-square tests : Statistics and probability.
Advanced regression inference and transforming : Statistics and probability. High school statistics Learn high school statistics—scatterplots, two-way tables, normal distributions, binomial probability, and more. Displaying a single quantitative variable : High school statistics. Analyzing a single quantitative variable : High school statistics. Two-way tables : High school statistics. Scatterplots : High school statistics.
Study design : High school statistics. Probability : High school statistics. Precalculus The Precalculus course covers complex numbers; composite functions; trigonometric functions; vectors; matrices; conic sections; and probability and combinatorics.
It also has two optional units on series and limits and continuity. Khan Academy's Precalculus course is built to deliver a comprehensive, illuminating, engaging, and Common Core aligned experience! Composite and inverse functions : Precalculus. Trigonometry : Precalculus. Complex numbers : Precalculus. Rational functions : Precalculus. Conic sections : Precalculus. Vectors : Precalculus. Matrices : Precalculus. Probability and combinatorics : Precalculus. Series : Precalculus. Limits and continuity : Precalculus.
Differential Calculus Learn differential calculus—limits, continuity, derivatives, and derivative applications. Limits and continuity : Differential Calculus. Derivatives: definition and basic rules : Differential Calculus. Derivatives: chain rule and other advanced topics : Differential Calculus. Applications of derivatives : Differential Calculus.
Analyzing functions : Differential Calculus. Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions : Differential Calculus. Integral Calculus Learn integral calculus—indefinite integrals, Riemann sums, definite integrals, application problems, and more. Integrals : Integral Calculus. Differential equations : Integral Calculus.
Applications of integrals : Integral Calculus. Parametric equations, polar coordinates, and vector-valued functions : Integral Calculus. This is editable under form settings. All comments will be submitted for approval before posting publicly. Submit comment. Submit update. Davidson: Explore - Middle School Courses. Art of Problem Solving. Beast Academy. BYU Online Classes. Daily Challenge with Po-Shen Loh. Focus on mathematical thinking, abstract reasoning, mental arithmetic, and an understanding of mathematical tools such as sets, relations, and functions using meticulously-designed games, stories, and logic puzzles.
Khan Academy.